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“Prayojana”- Love for the Supreme Godhead, Shri Krishna

The ultimate achievement in human life is to attain the grace and love of Shri Krishna- Prema. Attaining 'Prayojana' is the ultimate outcome after progressing through the stages of recognizing our 'Sambandha' with Krishna. This involves advancing to the subsequent stage of 'Abhidheya' by embodying the roles of the soul and eternal servant of Krishna.

According to Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu “Prema Pumartho Mahan”: achieving love for Shri Krishna is the highest perfection. Kardama Muni, similarly, recommended this perfection to his wife Devahuti. Despite her royal background, Devahuti, under the guidance of her devoted husband Kardama Muni, received the invaluable gift of divine love, which is the pinnacle of human existence. This divine grace was bestowed upon her due to her sincere service, love, and devotion to her saintly husband. Kardama Muni, having already attained the love of God, willingly shared this gift with Devahuti and advised her to embrace and relish it.


The devotee who attains pure love of God is unconcerned about their material or post-mortem situation. Their sole satisfaction lies in engaging in the Lord's service. Liberation concerns the novice, while the advanced devotee's only focus is pleasing the Guru and Shri Krishna. Pleasing the Guru is synonymous with pleasing Krishna, as the desires of a self-realized Guru align with those of Krishna. This also extends to pleasing the devotees, as they are all dear to the Lord—expressed in the Gita


"na cha tasmān manuṣhyeṣhu kaśhchin me priya-kṛittamaḥ bhavitā na cha me tasmād anyaḥ priyataro bhuvi (Gita.18.69)."

Understanding these desires of Krishna and the guru is crucial for a devotee, as it ensures that all efforts lead towards Krishna, not away from Him.

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