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  • Writer's pictureSwami Yugal Sharan Ji

Why should we feel proud being an Indian

 The nature of our being depends on the level of our thoughts. What we think, we become. Potential will come by itself. All we have to do is to keep our ideal high. Intellect is not required for gaining potential but a pure heart. The bigger our canvas of thoughts, the more capable we become. The actual point here is our thirst. Our thirst for service establishes the foundational stone of eligibility. We have a great potential if we could contemplate this very principle. Mahaprabhu ji has said–

"भारत भूमिते हइल मनुष्य जन्म यार।

जन्म सार्थक करि कर पर उपकार।।"


This, he said, exclusively for the Indians, because this invaluable treasure can be found nowhere else on Earth but in India–

"धन्येयं धरणी ततोऽपि मथुरा तत्रापि वृन्दावनम्

तत्रापि व्रजवासिनो युवतयस्तत्रापि गोपाङ्ग‌ना:।

तत्राचिन्त्यगुणैकधाम परमानन्दात्मिका राधिका

लावण्याम्बुनिधिस्त्रिलोकरमणी चूडामणि काचन।।"


This holy land of India is blessed, in India the most blessed place is Mathura, in Mathura it is the Vrindavan which is the most celebrated, the Sakhas and Sakhis of Vrindavan are even more significant and the most prominent among them is Sri Radha Rani who is the crest jewel of all the Sakhis.


We all Indians have at least a flickering notion of that Ultimate Reality. Therefore, only the Indians could attain the highest goal and distribute it. These are the only two objectives of a man–

i) Fulfilment of our highest goal

ii) Helping others attain this goal


The highest ideal to taste the nectar of Love of Sri Radha Rani is attainable only by the inhabitants of India. Their efforts can further pave the way for outsiders to cherish this highest goal as well. So, we have such a great responsibility. To fulfill our responsibility, we only have to sustain one single thought – Serving our Guru with all our might and performing exclusive devotion towards Radha Krishna.

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