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  • Writer's pictureSwami Yugal Sharan Ji

Story of a Stone - Importance of Human Body

Updated: Jan 10

The constant wriggling, the challenges of life, the chase for goals, the constant fight for sustenance and ultimately the ongoing struggle to become the best has made us oblivion to some of the priceless gifts nature has bestowed us. We are so engrossed in fighting our battles of survival, sustenance & supremacy waged by the standards of society, that we fail to appreciate the uncountable blessings we have received from the Almighty.

The life-giving oxygen, life-sustaining water, dormant seeds that fire grains & cereals that extinguish the flames of hunger, and the shroud of ozone protecting us from the deadly rays are some of the innumerable bounties of nature. But the greatest gift, which is also the proof of the existence of supreme power, is the blessing called life that imparts consciousness to this inert nature. With the unique gift of the faculty of knowledge & the right to perform actions, Homo-sapiens are the most privileged life-form safely at the highest echelon among 8.4 million species. But what is so special about the human form of life.


The same question was once asked by a disciple of Narad ji, the manasputra of Lord Brahma and one of the Acharyas of love divine. The disciple asked Lord Narad, – "What is so special about human form of life?" Narad Ji didn't give any immediate answer. He gave him a precious stone and told him– "I just want to know what the price of this stone is. Go to the market and find it out. But remember not to sell it."

He went to a vegetable vendor. When he offered him the stone, the vegetable vendor thought– "This stone looks quite glistening. Well, my grandson will play with it." He said– "I can give 10 kilos of brinjals for this."

The disciple then took that stone to a merchant. The merchant was awestruck on seeing the diamond. He told him– "I can give you ten sacks of wheat in exchange for this stone."

The man then took the ston

e to a goldsmith who told him– "Well, I can give you 1 Lac rupees. Are you interested to sell it?"- "No", he replied. "My spiritual master has told me not to sell it, rather get an idea of its price.”

He then went to the most celebrated jeweller in the city. The jeweler after analysing the stone asked him in surprise– "From where did you get this? Any price you wish I am prepared to give. You can fetch crores, own empires in lieu of this precious stone.”

The poor man returned to his spiritual master, Narad ji. Now he has received the answer to his question. The same person, the same object but the perspective is now different. Why? Because the knowledge regarding that particular object, the stone, has changed.


Similarly, we do not attach any importance to the human form of life which we have inherited, because we are not aware of its uniqueness. We just waste it like animals and birds for drinking, sleeping and mating because we don't realize its significance.

"Life devoted only to life is animal without any real human value, incapable of preserving man permanently from wariness. If Life has to be really meaningful, it should serve some purpose which is a person above mankind like truth, beauty and God.”

- Bertrand Russel - ''Principles of social reconstruction''

Humans with the faculty of knowledge and the right to perform actions are most powerful beings who can not only tame the most ferocious beings but also the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God. But concealed within this powerful human body lies a terrible weakness - its transience. Wise men reflect upon these and use this human life to fulfill the greatest purpose of the soul, accomplishing which, nothing is left to be accomplished after.

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